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Thread: Dillon 650 Help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    North Florida

    Dillon 650 Help...

    I'm having a problem with my 650 on the down stroke (pushing the handle forward) when you seat the primer. Something is jamming it up and catching. Couple of gentle bumps of the handle and it'll "clear" and seat the primer. For the life of me, I can't figure this one out.

    Took it apart this afternoon, cleaned everything, used the platform alignment tool, tightened everything down, added a little grease/lube here and there and start reloading again. Something is happening. Every once and while it will cycle smoothly, but more times than not it's getting hung up somewhere.

    Anybody have the same problem and fixed it? I was thinking that the primer was catching on the case plate, but I don't believe that's the case. Any suggestions, ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    N Florida
    Check the spring of the priming assembly to make sure it is clear and also make sure the piston is lined up with the shell plate and the primer plate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    North Florida
    And the answer is... There was a lot of gunk in the grooves of the shell plate. Use a pick to get that crap outta there. That would answer why the brass at station 1 had to be guided into the de-capping/sizing die sometimes. Called Dillon and they replaced the index block, index ring, associated springs, the little "hammer" under the shell plate holder, the primer plate, and the primer punch. My Dillon is several years old, the index block, index ring have changed. (The index block is slightly longer/taller). Dillon also sent me an index alignment tool. You put this down on the primer punch while holding the handle forward, then tighten the bolts on the index block. That makes sure the shell plate indexes and aligns correctly. Everything works smoothly again. Thank you Dillon.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    N Florida
    Their customer service is the best I've ever dealt with.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I've been using dillon equipment from 79/80 to the present . I used a 550 till it needed a complete rebuild , all it cost me was the shipping fee. It was more than 30 years old when I sent it in. When they say no bull shit they mean it.
    Luck is the phenomena created when Preparation meets Opportunity .

  6. #6
    I need a 2016 Dillon Calendar if anybody orders some!
    5G Motorola Razr

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