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Thread: Rumbler... The Legend

  1. #51
    This is for Rumbler.
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  2. #52
    Graduate seadog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thanks Jonastio for fixing that link for me. I haven't quite figured that out yet.
    "Only the dead have seen the end of war" -Plato

  3. #53
    I'm bumping this Thread up.

    For you guys that have joined in the last 18 months please read it from post #1.

    "Rumbler" AKA Mike O'Leary started this forum after being kicked off of TGF, those members here with 2012 & 2013 join dates are also TGF refugees that followed Rumbler here to his new forum.. Mike was a hell of a guy who would and did give the needy the shirt off of his back. He could also be an opinionated, hard headed ass.

    Rumbler was a loaner with no close family. Just him and his dogs.

    Rumbler got sick, REALLY sick. His last year, this forum rallied around him like I've only seen few family's and churchs do. Raising money, chauffeuring, wild game, fresh eggs and fresh vegetables -per doctors orders, cut-split- delivered firewood, cash, appliances, mowing his yard, etc. etc. It really would be a LONG list.

    These actions are why I say this forum is more like a family to many of us.

    We lost Rumbler over a year ago now, I like to think he and John Moses shoot 1911s in the mornings and design firearms in the afternoon - two kindred spirits.
    Last edited by Cattle/Horses; November 2nd, 2016 at 08:38 PM.
    5G Motorola Razr

  4. #54
    CCGF Head of Ambushes
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    WE WILL NEVER FORGET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (nam era) yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest SOB in the valley!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumbler
    Mapper, while I'm thinking about it. File this in the FWIW category . . .

    I'm pretty close to certain that at least the Colt (factory) 9mm 1911s have a narrower feed ramp cut at just slightly a different angle. Just enough to make them unreliable without some work, if you convert one down the road to .45ACP.

    Obviously this is not an issue using a 9mm frame as a .22LR host . . . . but if you didn't already know about the feed ramp cut being different, I wanted to give you a heads up.

    Quote Originally Posted by mapper
    Yeah, yeah I know, 9 mm and 1911 should not be in the same sentence, but hear me out on this one...

    I picked up a rock island 1911 a1 in 9 mm, for a couple reasons. I needed a frame for the 22 Conversion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rumbler
    Mapper, a RIA in .22 is pretty appropriate in my opinion. It is well suited for the cartridge.

    Quote Originally Posted by mapper
    I know your thoughts on 9mm in a 1911.. but there was a reason for this.


    Besides a 9 mm in a double stack 1911 does not count as a 1911 anyway, so im good.
    He is missed...
    Last edited by mapper; November 4th, 2016 at 09:21 PM.

  6. #56
    GFUF Groundhog mattb's Avatar
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    Where you can't see me
    I miss that cantankerous old bastard.
    I’m an engineer. To save us both time, let’s just assume I’m not wrong.

    Lift with your back

    I talk to myself because, at times, I require advice from an expert.

    Only a fool courts the anger of a patient man.

    We are all just one PBR away from being white trash and in trouble.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    May 2016
    At the end, Mike was experiencing dimentia from a buildup of ammonia in his system - a side effect of cirrhosis of the liver. There was more damage than we knew and he was going downhill fast. His last stay in the hospital, all they did really was monitor him and give him meds orally to bring his ammonia levels back down. He knew this and eventually became very grumpy. You don't know grumpy 'till you've seen Rumbler with a wild hair....

    He decided he was going to check himself out of the hospital. They told him no he couldn't, and he'd better calm down. He called us and we were on our way back home having left him in good spirits not even a half hour before. He had decided he was going to walk home from the hospital, some 30 minutes away. Trouble was he didn't have any clothes or shoes, just the hospital gown. Undaunted, Mike told them they had better check him out or he was going to get up and walk out.

    He put the hospitalist on the phone who told us the only way they would let him leave was if we agreed to see him home. I could hear Mike in the background carrying on. We turned around and headed back to the hospital, and went to the floor nurse saying we were there to pick Mike up and take him home. She looked at us and said:" Oh you poor people!" With that they got a wheelchair, which Mike promptly hopped up out of bed and into, and off we went to take Mike back to his cabin, grumbling all the way.

    He had managed to get an extra gown so he had one on front and backwards. Not much sooner than we had left the hospital, Mike said: "yer gonna have to stop the car because I've got to piss like a racehorse." There we were in Tallahassee traffic. I urged Mike to take it easy and assured him I'd find him something. There was no bringing him to a gas station or convenience store - I could only imagine what might happen....

    I spotted an overgrown empty lot and pulled in behind tall bushes and Mike got out and stumbled in amongst the puckerbrush and took care of business. When he came back there was a big sigh of relief and we eventually got him back home to his dog Boop, but ended up staying 6 hours, making sure he was settled in and fed and that his meds were in order. He acted like nothing was wrong. All he knew was he was home, his dog was with him and he was out of that infernal place.

    He reconnected with his brother, a miracle in many ways, and his brother quickly found a discrepancy in his meds and took care of that. Mike quickly recovered, and was back to his normal self for another few weeks. He knew more than any of us helping him that his time was near, and he never let on. He made it clear that he wanted to be at his home with his dog at all costs. Mike came over for a visit and spent the whole day just hanging out, on a Thursday before he passed that weekend. He had become enormously appreciative of everything in his life and for those who helped him. He was frail. It was difficult to see him that way. But his strength of character never wavered even for a moment.

    He loved that dog, his friends and family, if you will, at Talon, and he loved this forum and his family of friends here. He managed to gracefully accept and appreciated all the help and care he received from everyone here. In every way, Mike O'Lary was a kindly, most generous soul, he lived to help people learn about shooting and all things related to his passion of firearms and training. You either loved him or hated him. Those in the latter category were few and far between, that's for sure.

    Mike is missed, he is sorely missed. He was a friend for life. It's just that that meant his life....
    Last edited by Dairt; November 6th, 2016 at 09:20 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    N Florida
    Hell of a third post, there.

  9. #59
    Never did met the guy, but when I had trouble getting on here he opened the door for me. Although there was a caveat, thru private message he informed me upon me joining the forum if I turned out to be a bot he would put a .45 slug in me. I think we would've got along fine.

  10. #60
    Shit Stirrer 0utlaw's Avatar
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    Copperhead Rd
    Last edited by Dairt; 2 Days Ago at 08:20 AM. Reason: spelling
    Just so you know spelling is completely optional, most of us read as bad as we spell so it's kinda like a "system"

    And Jonas never told me why IE quit spell checking anyway, so really my spelling is his fault.

    Oderint dum metuant

    "Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks your life seeks my life, but with me you shall be safe.” 1 Samuel 22:23

    “This gun is liberty; hold for certain that the day when you no more have it, you will be returned to slavery.” – Toussaint L’Ouverture

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