It has taken a day to gather my thoughts , and I have had to wait until the kids were in bed so I didn't have to explain the tears to them. Through my reflections today I have thought about the countless hours spent with Mike over the last 7 years. Mike often referred to me as his mentor, which always made me blush. I may have shared some of my experiences and knowledge with him, but I never felt like a mentor to him. I often felt like a kid brother around him. He was one of the most unique guys I ever encountered. Rough as a cob on the outside, soft as a marsh mellow on the inside, with a heart as big a Texas. I honestly think his brashness was a half-hearted attempt to cover up how much he actually cared about his fellow man. Mike was willing to give of himself even if he himself went without. This is a rare commodity in today's world. Mike was true sheepdog, there is no doubt. He loved the idea of being a servant and a protector of his flock, Us. Mike was physically much worse off than most people knew for much longer than anyone realized. There were many days when I had to absolutely force him to stop what he was doing and go home to rest. I felt bad at times because his spirit was always willing to go further. I enjoyed our hours of conversation, and I appreciated the time I got to share with him. There are only a few people that pass through our lives that really effect us, Mike was one of those people for me. I will miss him.