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Thread: Rumbler

  1. #61
    CCGF Brick Wall BlueBronco's Avatar
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    [QUOTE]if you guys never knew why he was called Rumbler, now you know.


    I essentially I came to know Mike due to our mutual love for old Ford trucks and 1911's. He had an earlier screen name back in the day that I won't mention out of respect. It goes back to before an old web site about 13 years ago called G.O.B.L.I.N.
    Last edited by lonesouth; November 28th, 2017 at 12:02 PM.
    "If our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies then every method of protecting ourselves is morally right" -- Cicero

    "Governor, I haven't let another man touch my gun since 1861."

  2. #62
    Senior jmh321's Avatar
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    I didn't have the honor of knowing Rumbler personally, but really enjoyed and learned a lot from his posts on the forum.

    Terribly saddened to hear of his passing. Peace be with you, sir.

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    North side of Tally
    I am very saddened by the news of Mike's passing. I had the pleasure of swapping a few stories, shooting the same ranges and getting some well deserved tips from someone I considered a Master.
    Like many, we traded good natured jabs over at the *other* site when it was up and running, had some range time at the Otter Creek range during the TGF machine gun shoots. Rumbler always made his point known and was always on target {pun intended}
    A while back, when I heard there was a fund to help with medical costs, like many, I sent a check to the church, because that was what was needed.
    When the good folks here put the auction together, I bid on many items, as that was what was needed.
    All of that was a drop in a bucket but it gave hope that Mike would whip this thing and be back to 100%.
    Rumbler made a difference when he was on this planet and will be missed by many.
    Rest easy, Mike.

  4. #64
    CCGF Event Planner crawdaddy34's Avatar
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    The word's just aren't there.

    I'll miss you my friend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tack Driver View Post
    Craw is right. You guys just can't keep up.

  5. #65
    Graduate WinterSoldier's Avatar
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    Besides my mind, of all the things I've lost that I miss the most... are a certain few people, and Mike's going to be one of them.
    "Living life in fear isn't living life at all." ~ Winter Soldier

  6. #66
    Wow, so sorry to hear this. I conversed with Rumbler on the other forum a few years back mostly private messages. a lot of his forum post were gruff but entertaining to say the least. I live down south but have property near Tallahassee, Rumbler ordered a knife from me and picked it up on one of my trips up there. so there I was, in the woods at camp waiting for Rumbler to show up eager to see this truck he always mentioned.
    when he got there he was driving this little piece of crap car! I asked him where the truck was and he said it would cost to much to drive it out to my place, gas was $4.00 gal. then. I busted him some on that. we talked for a while and I must say he left me with a different vision of who Rumbler was, he was a true gentleman. I'm sorry to hear he has passed. RIP Mike.

  7. #67
    CCGF Grammar Nazi Tack Driver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladegrinder View Post
    Wow, so sorry to hear this. I conversed with Rumbler on the other forum a few years back mostly private messages. a lot of his forum post were gruff but entertaining to say the least. I live down south but have property near Tallahassee, Rumbler ordered a knife from me and picked it up on one of my trips up there. so there I was, in the woods at camp waiting for Rumbler to show up eager to see this truck he always mentioned.
    when he got there he was driving this little piece of crap car! I asked him where the truck was and he said it would cost to much to drive it out to my place, gas was $4.00 gal. then. I busted him some on that. we talked for a while and I must say he left me with a different vision of who Rumbler was, he was a true gentleman. I'm sorry to hear he has passed. RIP Mike.
    He was soooooo proud of that knife, and rightly so.
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  8. #68
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    So, has anyone heard anything about the services that are supposed to be held/have been held?

  9. #69
    CCGF Head of Ambushes
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    (nam era) yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest SOB in the valley!

  10. #70
    Graduate NJC's Avatar
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