Info was emailed out figured I would post it here also...

Halloween Match! It's back!! Halloween night, Saturday October 31st, Talon will hold a night match on the competition bays. After learning from last year (when we didn't get out of there until after midnight), we are going to start a half hour earlier, and only plan on 3 stages instead of 4. This should allow everyone to more easily shoot the match, and get done at a reasonable time. It will be run just like last year--it will be a 2-gun match (and we will roughly use 3-gun rules), carbine (or pistol cal. carbine) and handgun. This year, however, I'm going to add an option gun. If you have a shotgun that you want to run, I will have one stage where the pistol targets will all be steel, and you can use either the handgun OR shotgun on that stage--shooters choice. As in previous years, there will be no drawing of handguns from the holster, or need for a holster at all. You will start with the handgun at low ready, or it will be staged, so no light-bearing holsters are necessary.

I'll send out a match announcement next week when I get a better idea of exactly when it will be dark, so I know what the start time will be, but I suspect we'll do the match briefing around 7.