Does anyone have or even have access to a properly accurate scale? I have a balance scale as well as an electronic scale, but they are both rather old and I'd like to first verify the actual weight of my (admittedly cheap) check weights and then use them to calibrate my scales if necessary.

When I say a "properly accurate scale," I'm speaking way outside the realm of reloading equipment. I'm talking about laboratory quality stuff. I know some psycho benchrest shooters spend over $1,000 on their scales, but while I'm obsessive enough to WANT accuracy that fine, I'm not crazy enough to actually buy a scale like that.

Over the last few days I've been researching properly precise equipment and the price tag is shocking.

If I can't get any traction here, I may see if I can find a lab at FSU to sneak in. First, though, I'd need to know which labs have that kind of measuring equipment, and since I have a fairly useless degree I was never exposed to actual tools you could use.