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Thread: Scrap Brass

  1. #11
    Shit Stirrer 0utlaw's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Copperhead Rd
    Some things you just don't cull

    Oderint dum metuant

    "Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks your life seeks my life, but with me you shall be safe.” 1 Samuel 22:23

    “This gun is liberty; hold for certain that the day when you no more have it, you will be returned to slavery.” – Toussaint L’Ouverture

  2. #12
    Graduate NJC's Avatar
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    Dayum Outlaw.. just read your sig. Hard to believe Cooper is 9 yrs dead !!!
    "Rule #1: Be a f-ing Warrior, every f-ing day, in every f-ing thing you do. Be a f-ing Warrior!

    Rule #2: Support your men.

    Rule #3: TEAMWORK! Team dynamics are absolutely important. Know your men and support them in every way."

  3. #13
    Shit Stirrer 0utlaw's Avatar
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    Copperhead Rd
    Gone not forgotten

    Oderint dum metuant

    "Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks your life seeks my life, but with me you shall be safe.” 1 Samuel 22:23

    “This gun is liberty; hold for certain that the day when you no more have it, you will be returned to slavery.” – Toussaint L’Ouverture

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 0utlaw View Post
    Gone not forgotten
    I just hope you don't talk in your sleep, otherwise you may end up saying the same about your gonads.

  5. #15
    CCGF Grammar Nazi Tack Driver's Avatar
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    Outside the Blast Radius, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny View Post
    Tack doesn't cull anything evidently.
    I do alright.
    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but a tireless minority keen to setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." - Father of Our Revolution, Samuel Adams.

    I may be found dead in a ditch, but by God, they will find me and my rights in a PILE of brass.

    "Sure you can trust our government. Just ask an Indian."

    "Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue." - Barry Goldwater

  6. #16
    Graduate Airgator0470's Avatar
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    Some reloading supply places give credit for scrap brass... Top Brass was giving $2 a pound but it's now down to $1.50 a pound.

    I'll get between 28 to 29 pounds in a USPS flat-rate box... costs less than $13 to ship and I get @ $42 in credit... so for each box I send I net about $30 credit... not as good as it once was... but when the brass is free who cares.

    I've been getting their .308 147gr FMJ pulls and they appear excellent... I have about 2500 now with little $$ in them.
    Signal-0 Productions Firearms Training... for the working man.

  7. #17
    Graduate WinterSoldier's Avatar
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    Nova Scotia or downtown Tallahassee, one or the other...
    I've taken a few pounds to Leon Iron & Metals but not any year lately. I would advise that you call first and ask what they are paying and specify that what you have is "cartridge brass". The price for cartridge brass is a lot less than for other brass alloys. I don't figure it to be worth the hassle unless I have at least 100 lbs.
    "Living life in fear isn't living life at all." ~ Winter Soldier

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