The "how the rentals work":

By the day. "Day" defined from the time you get there until the range closes at 9:00PM.

You can rent one pistol for $10.00 (plus ammo, and you are welcome to buy that wherever you chose to - doesn't have to be Talon ammo)
ALL the pistols, usually two at a time, for $50.00 (plus ammo, and you are welcome to buy that wherever you chose to - doesn't have to be Talon ammo)

At My last count there were over 35 pistols available for rental. The vast majority of them, probably 30 out of 35, are the "hot" concealment pistols currently. Including that so ugly it is cute G42.

We also have a variety of long guns for varying rates. All the way from poodle shooter, to shotguns, to Mosins.