Tallahassee Indoor Shooting Range
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Thread: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

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  1. #1
    CCGF Brick Wall BlueBronco's Avatar
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    The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    The FBI and police were examining the records of a local range where the mom was known to shoot. They were looking to see if the punk had been there recently. Apparently he had not. I understand trying to grasp what this guy was doing leading up to this. However, the implications of it concern me to say the least.
    "If our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies then every method of protecting ourselves is morally right" -- Cicero

    "Governor, I haven't let another man touch my gun since 1861."

  2. #2

    Re: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    There is a lot of pressure out there at the moment, and for good reason. People want answers and they're afraid. There are problems that people want solved and they will do anything, or something, even if it is wrong. No one is pointing the finger at doctors who prescribe psychotropic drugs and leave patients with 3 months until their next appointment, and meanwhile the idiot goes nuts. Attempting to work toward gun control by those who don't understand it is one thing, but invasion of privacy is another. Who's to find and stop these crazies before they up and go postal, anyways?
    It's a mess, a danged mess.

    Something needs to be done about this crap though. Allowing CCL in schools is a good place to start. After all, it was only in 1996 that the law was passed saying no concealed weapons in schools. Since then, a LOT of people have died who could otherwise, perhaps, been saved by responsible gun owners (evidenced by the Mississippi shooting where the guy went out and got his weapon out of his vehicle and put the shooter down.) Someone needs to protect these kids if this BS is going to continue. Banning certain guns will have zero effect and could do way more harm. Let designated "protectors" carry concealed weapons in schools.

    IMO - YMMV

  3. #3
    CCGF Brick Wall BlueBronco's Avatar
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    Re: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    Does this mean that people that buy 4 pistols in a year and go to the range frequently are going to be under observation? That is a somewhat rhetorical question.
    "If our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies then every method of protecting ourselves is morally right" -- Cicero

    "Governor, I haven't let another man touch my gun since 1861."

  4. #4

    Re: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    Understood. Man, I sure would hope not...

  5. #5
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Re: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    [quote author=BlueBronco link=topic=720.msg5393#msg5393 date=1355849467]
    Does this mean that people that buy 4 pistols in a year and go to the range frequently are going to be under observation? That is a somewhat rhetorical question.

    Oh Lord.

    Can you imagine? Every time I go out to the convenience store it will look like a wagon train headed West. I'll go outside late in the evening to grab a log for the wood stove and step on some poor unsuspecting Fed.

    Come to think of it . . . . I could probably have some fun with this . . .

    Seriously though, This whole thing concerns me greatly. There is a lot of talk in the media about this potentially being a "tipping point in the gun control debate". I really really hope they are wrong.

    I firmly believe that there are a lot of folks out there that are sick and tired of the people with so limited an intellect that they truly believe that restricting law abiding citizens ability to own firearms will negatively effect the criminal's ability to commit violent felony crimes. I believe that at least some of them are reaching the point of being fed up that they believe that some form of hostile action is necessary.

    It scares me to death. The latest NRA numbers show 4-million members/gun owners. Imagine the carnage if ONLY 10% of NRA members cut loose on a bunch of people who are anti-gun enough to not own them and not "believe in them". It scares me to death. Talk about being put between a rock and a hard place; who do you shoot at? I can't answer that, and it scares me to death.
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  6. #6

    Re: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    Recently saw this article : Massad Ayoob has a good solution to preventing mass murders

    Massad Ayoob is arguably the most respected trainer of law enforcement officials and other citizens in the US in the use of firearms. His thoughts on how to prevent mass murders. Link: http://backwoodshome.com/blogs/Massa...inst-monsters/

    AGAINST MONSTERS Saturday, December 15th, 2012 Massad Ayoob

    The atrocity at the Connecticut elementary school will not be the last such horror, nor was it the first or even the worst. Go back to the year 1764, in what is now Franklin County, Pennsylvania. The first: during Pontiac’s Rebellion in the wake of the French and Indian War, four “warriors” entered a schoolhouse and slaughtered the headmaster and some ten children. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac...chool_massacre .

    The worst: in 1927, a crazed monster beat his wife to death, then triggered a bombing in an elementary school in Bath, Michigan, killing some 38 kids and several adults. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster .

    I’ll repeat what I said in the Wall Street Journal op-ed section and on the Today show in 1999, after the Columbine High School atrocity: if we simply prepared teachers to handle this type of crisis the way we teach them to handle fires and medical emergencies, the death toll would drop dramatically. We don’t hear of mass deaths of children in school fires these days: fire drills have long since been commonplace, led by trained school staff, not to mention sprinkler systems and smoke alarms and strategically placed fire extinguishers that can nip a blaze in the bud while firefighters are en route. In the past, if someone “dropped dead,” people would cry and wring their hands and wail, “When will the ambulance get here?” Today, almost every responsible adult knows CPR; most schools have easily-operated Automatic Electronic Defibrillators readily accessible; and a heart attack victim’s chance of surviving until the paramedics arrive to take over is now far greater.

    The same principle works for defending against mass murders…it just doesn’t work HERE, because it is politically incorrect to employ it HERE. After the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, Israel instituted a policy in which volunteer school personnel, parents, and grandparents received special training from the civil guard, and were seeded throughout the schools armed with discreetly concealed 9mm semiautomatic pistols. Since that time, there has been no successful mass murder at an Israeli school, and every attempt at such has been quickly shortstopped by the good guys’ gunfire, with minimal casualties among the innocent. Similar programs are in place in Peru and the Phillippines, with similarly successful results.

    Some people see the logic in the Israeli approach. Dave Workman does, as seen here: http://www.examiner.com/article/obam...id=db_articles . Ann Coulter does, as seen here: http://www.thewrap.com/media/column-...rry-laws-69361 .

    Unfortunately, in this country, logic has been buried under political correctness. Those in power whose ego is invested in brie et Chablis values that include scorn for the peasantry they accuse of “clinging to guns and Bibles” will never see that logic. Children will continue to die in gun-free zones hunting preserves for psychopathic murderers, and the cowardly murderers will continue to surrender or kill themselves as soon as armed good guys show up…far too late.

  7. #7
    CCGF Brick Wall BlueBronco's Avatar
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    Leon County

    Re: The Range question came up regarding CT shootings

    The Lame Duck Illinois Legislature has goobers trying to run a "ban everything bill" through by Friday.

    This is in part of the proposed Bill.

    Sources say the new bills would require any range open to the public to be run by an FFL. That they would be licensed under unlimited rules and regulations by the State Police.
    The current Gov. would have a field day with the rules under this if it were to pass.
    "If our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies then every method of protecting ourselves is morally right" -- Cicero

    "Governor, I haven't let another man touch my gun since 1861."

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