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Thread: 300 ACC

  1. #1

    300 ACC

    New upper on the way... thanks to Dale Gribble...

    Looks like there is plenty of reloading data out there thanks to Rumbler....

    New dies and a trimmer on the way... plenty of small rifle primers in hand...

    Does anybody know where any H110 can be had.... ?

    It is REALLY going to suck to have that new upper looking all shiny and new... and have nothing to shoot through it.

  2. #2
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Right Here
    A few days ago DSH had several pounds.

    As an FYI WIN 296 is functionally identical . . . and . . .

    has loads for about every conceivable powder/bullet combination. Don't feel too limited if for some reason you can't find H110, it is simply one of the best (cleanest and efficient) but by no means is it the only plausible choice.
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  3. #3
    Kevin's had some about a week ago for 35/can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    That's about the going rate I think DSH is $ 33.95 .
    Luck is the phenomena created when Preparation meets Opportunity .

  5. #5
    awesome... headed for DSH at lunch! Thanks!

  6. #6
    Junior marcus6176's Avatar
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    Away from the bullshit
    I didn't see any H110 at DSH yesterday, but they have lil gun, which is very forgiving when it comes to high pressures in super loads. Kevins does have a bunch of w296 which is the same as H110
    Texas Ranger Charlie Miller was minding his own business when a concerned citizen came up to him, noted the hammer back on the big 1911 dangling from the Ranger's belt, and asked, "Isn't that dangerous?" Charlie replied, "I wouldn't carry the son-of-a-bitch if it wasn't dangerous."

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