If you ever get into the really interesting stuff you will be using CH4D dies. Got those. Got Redding. Got Hornaday. Got RCBS. Got Lee. I've had dies for years for calibers I've never had, though I think I may have "caught up" recently. I've still got the "problem" of brass for calibers I don't have... but who cares? Maybe someday I'll buy a gun in 5.56mm, or in .297/.230 Morris... or even .40 S&W. You know... the useless calibers!

Dies all seem to work more or less, except sometimes not so well. If anyone makes a proper die set for the 1895 Nagant I dunno who the hell it is...

But then I'm not trying to shoot a hair off of a gnat's bee-hind.

Only "major brand" NOT represented amongst my dies is Dillon. I've got a Dillon primer pocket swager. That's a powerful gizmo. You can really mangle a case head with it... But I've got no Dillon dies... or presses.