The other thread seems to be veering off into other directions so I thought I would offer up a possibility for the "fun" match after the standard pin match. I have a rimfire dueling tree and a rifle-grade dueling tree . I had the rimfire out at Talon last week and the paddles will turn at 100 yards shooting subsonic out of a rifle. The rifle-grade will turn on just about any center fire round at least out to 300 yards. It needs to be at least 75 yards away to keep the paddles from cratering. Obviously, no steel core rounds. I can bring either one out to play with. There are several ways to compete using the trees:
Unlimited round count, time limit on firing, i.e., 15, 20, 30 seconds, whatever. Side with the least number of paddles showing @ the time limit wins.
Limited round count, i.e., 10, 30, two 10 round mags, whatever; no time limit. Same result.
Unlimited round count, no time limit, shoot until someone clears their side first.
And other variations are possible including one shooter at a time, for fastest time to do whatever, i.e., turn all paddles once, twice, etc.
I throw this out there only as a possibility. I've been having fun doing whatever they throw at us when I can get out there.