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Thread: Thank You Event - Discussion

  1. #1
    Chopstick Sage DaveW's Avatar
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    Thank You Event - Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Rumbler View Post
    Awful lot of unknowns. Thank heaven Franklin, Jefferson, and the rest didn't let that stop them.

    Host a friggin picnic.

    Organize a private picnic. Invite every emergency responder and their family you and a few friends can make contact with. Don't charge them a dime. Don't plan any speeches. Don't ask them for a flippin thing. Tell them it is happening as a simple thank you. Hold it where you can legally be visibly armed. If you hold true to your word, you won't need to make a speech.

    Outstanding idea, but why small scale? What about an Oath keepers / CCGF sponsored "Recognition" picnic at say, Maclay Gardens with music, swimming and BBQ? With a little initiative I bet we can get a few guys with mobile pits for a few whole hogs and a couple hundred pounds of chicken, maybe fry up some grouper and boil some mud bugs. Venue and menu will need to be worked on but the concept is there. Free to current and retired military, LEO, Fire, EMT + family, and $10-20? donation per family for the rest of us, proceeds to charity and NRA. The goal, Labor Day Weekend. I'll provide a sound system, a hog and 25# of coleslaw.

    ADMINS, should this move to a new thread?

    Anybody know Preston Scott?
    Last edited by DaveW; April 3rd, 2014 at 10:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Dave conceptually I like your proposal. I think it needs some refinement, but that is why I moved it here for discussion.

    Just to get the discussion moving, I have one question and one suggestion.

    Question: Is legal to open carry at Maclay Gardens?

    My reason for suggesting an open carry venue was to illustrate to the participants that not only are guns in holsters not dangerous, but the people who wear guns in holsters (whether open or concealed) are generally decent normal people. Who just happen to care about THEM enough to stand up publicly and thank them and their families for all they do for the public.

    Suggestion: The NRA should not be mentioned.
    I believe that automatically implies "political" in some folks mind. I see this event's value as stated just above; it is a demonstration we are normal people (OK, so I have have to pretend, but I'm willing to take that bullet for the greater good).

    As an idea, nothing more, funds could be pooled and divided fairly among providers/facilitators. OR as you propose; given to charities . . . or some combination. Again, this is just an idea. It is not a suggestion.


    Ideas? Suggestions? Don't say a damned word if you have absolutely no intention of actively participating in this event, if it happens.
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  3. #3
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Oh, and yes. Preston Scott. Communicating directly with him is not a problem.
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  4. #4
    Graduate HarleyBrent's Avatar
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    Actually, the Division of Recreation and Parks does have the authority to ban firearms from state parks under FSS 258.007, their rule making authority. It is specifically prohibited in fac62d-2 [ 62D-2.014 Activities and Recreation. section 10] [link below]:

    (10) Hunting and Firearms. Hunting, trapping or the pursuit of wildlife is prohibited on all park property, except in Reserves,
    as authorized by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. No person shall use, carry, or possess in any park
    weapons such as firearms of any type, air rifles, spring guns, bows and arrows, gigs (except in areas where gigs may be legally used
    for saltwater fishing), sling shots, or any other forms of weapons or trapping devices potentially dangerous to wildlife or human
    safety except when such weapons or traps are used for resource management purposes as authorized in this subsection.Shooting
    into park areas from beyond park boundaries is prohibited. Any device which is employed to kill, immobilize, or capture any
    wildlife or any device otherwise used in violation of this chapter shall be seized and confiscated by law enforcement officers. The
    Division may authorize the control of nuisance animals and may remove all exotic animals from parks by trapping and other
    necessary means for park resource management purposes. Such authorization shall be in the form of a license, permit, or contract
    negotiated by the parties or made pursuant to an advertised bid by the Division. Authorization may be obtained in the same manner
    as stated in subsection 62D-2.013(7), F.A.C., herein.


    FSS 790 specifically reserves the right to control firearms to the State of Florida, of which DEP is a part. And the state legislature has empowered them to make such rules as are necessary to manage state parks. Unlike counties and cities, possession of firearms in a state park not only can be restricted, it has been. And it carries the weight of law.

    Check me on this, please. But I think that I would respect the no firearms signs at state parks.
    Let us skip the other lies, for brevity’s sake. To consider them would prove nothing, except that man is what he is—loving toward his own, lovable, to his own,—his family, his friends—and otherwise the buzzing, busy trivial, enemy of his race—who tarries his little day, does his little dirt, commends himself to God, and then goes out into the darkness, to re-turn no more, and send no messages back—selfish even in death.
    Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Graduate HarleyBrent's Avatar
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    Leon cty
    We need a venue were we can carry open, A range or private property. Or a differant aproach is carry concealed and say we are, but as secret squirrel as most of us are do we want to show everyone that we carry?
    Let us skip the other lies, for brevity’s sake. To consider them would prove nothing, except that man is what he is—loving toward his own, lovable, to his own,—his family, his friends—and otherwise the buzzing, busy trivial, enemy of his race—who tarries his little day, does his little dirt, commends himself to God, and then goes out into the darkness, to re-turn no more, and send no messages back—selfish even in death.
    Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Graduate HarleyBrent's Avatar
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    Leon cty

    But this is getting off topic. Sorry

    Maybe, However it is important
    Let us skip the other lies, for brevity’s sake. To consider them would prove nothing, except that man is what he is—loving toward his own, lovable, to his own,—his family, his friends—and otherwise the buzzing, busy trivial, enemy of his race—who tarries his little day, does his little dirt, commends himself to God, and then goes out into the darkness, to re-turn no more, and send no messages back—selfish even in death.
    Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Chopstick Sage DaveW's Avatar
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    As Harley said, a range or private property would probably be the best bet. Maclay was more of an illustration of a setting than a proposal, they don't have that much parking. I'm leaning towards private property because of parking and to promote the normal and family atmosphere (to them) that would be difficult to achieve at a range.

    I also agree with the political aspect of not overtly bringing the NRA in to it. I tend to think that open carry would be just, if not more alienating to many people. There are other more subtle ways to promote our 2A agenda, after all, we need them to "realize" that believing and supporting the Constitution is not an extreme viewpoint. We would never be successful trying to shove it down their throat. How about a raffle for a Talon membership or training and a surprise appearance by Eddie Eagle and Smokey the Bear for the kids?

    I don't know Preston Scott except for hearing him on the radio but I think he could be a valuable asset for framing the concept of the event and the agenda. We just need to be careful about just preaching to the choir. That accomplishes nothing but getting a full belly and having a good time.

  8. #8
    CCGF Event Planner crawdaddy34's Avatar
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    Ya'll seem to have this pretty well in hand, but if I can help in any way let me know.
    Sent from an Altoids Tin via Morse Code

    Quote Originally Posted by Tack Driver View Post
    Craw is right. You guys just can't keep up.

  9. #9
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crawdaddy34 View Post
    Ya'll seem to have this pretty well in hand, but if I can help in any way let me know.
    Hey, you are the event planner. We are just giving you something to do. Think of it as putting cornmeal on the mullet for the cook.
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  10. #10
    CCGF Event Planner crawdaddy34's Avatar
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    In that case, I would propose that open carry is not such a hot idea. I'm thinking that if this thing is a success, there will be lot's of FAMILYS there. That mean's mom's and kids.

    Just think about that for a sec.....

    You get just ONE, that takes issue with a bunch of guys she doesn't know open carrying around her kids and that could get ugly. At the very least, it's going to make some people uncomfortable, which is the exact opposite of what we are trying to accomplish....

    I think there are other ways to get the point across of who we are without openly displaying firearms.

    Add that to the enormous amount of fairly recent NEGATIVE publicity surrounding folks open carrying, (anyone remember Starbucks?) and I personally think that may not be the best way to get the point across...

    That, and open carry REALLY limits our options for a venue....

    But I'll help any way I can organize what ever ya'll want. I can't promise that I'll be there at this time, but I'll put in the work to help make it a success if you need it.
    Sent from an Altoids Tin via Morse Code

    Quote Originally Posted by Tack Driver View Post
    Craw is right. You guys just can't keep up.

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