What, if anything, was included in that training regarding armed good guys that are in the area? What is the most effective way to let you know that I am not the threat? I would really not want to get in the way of or be on the receiving end of a firefight with SWAT while I am just trying to work my way out of the area.
As to being a sheepdog and going back in, without body armor, kevlar, an AR and direct communication with the entry team, not a chance unless my wife is in there. When LEO's come in I think that any visible weapons will be, if not seen as a threat, at the very least be a distraction and how many more people will the active shooter kill while they are sorting that issue out. Also, how would you know the difference between the shooter and an off duty or plain cloths officer, or another good guy? Even if you see "the shooter" shoot someone, how do you know that it was not another good guy shooting who he thought was the bad guy? No, even if we had the proper training there would be too many variables "inside" to think that we would be a net asset without direct communication.
As far as the whole "Sheepdog, Sheep and Wolves" thing goes, I think that there is another category, the Labradors. We are not part of the mindless herd, we think that if the sheep don't make any effort to protect or provide for themselves, it's not our responsibility to do it for them. Don't think that we are not ready, willing and able to fight if the need arises, we are just not looking for one.