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Thread: Who is going to the Tally gunshow this weekend?

  1. #41
    Graduate Downrange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tack Driver View Post
    Is my math off?
    Nah, it's just not worth the admittance fee anymore.
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  2. #42
    CCGF Grammar Nazi Tack Driver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Downrange View Post
    Nah, it's just not worth the admittance fee anymore.

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    I may be found dead in a ditch, but by God, they will find me and my rights in a PILE of brass.

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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by t332 View Post
    Funny, $8 is cheap for a gunshow. Most of the shows I have been to lately are charging $10 for even the small shows.
    Tim your cans are a good deal but if they charge $10 to get in that sorry ass gun show I'm going to have to bulk order my cans from you direct and pick them up in Thomasville . I go to several gun shows a year some as far away as Texas and the Tallahassee gun show is the worse by far. It's mostly the same old dealers from south Florida peddling the same over priced stuff year after year. They were asking $7.50 a box for 22 LR that Bass proshop had in stock for less than $3.00 a box today. I guess we are just not going to agree about the Tallahassee fair grounds gun show.
    Luck is the phenomena created when Preparation meets Opportunity .

  4. #44
    CCGF Depository Dale Gribble's Avatar
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    When I went (Sunday 10:30 am) it was $7 to get in. I went with my 3 demon spawn in tow. I purchased some 7x62x54r primed S&B Brass from Georgia Arms for $15 per 50, and a rail sling mount for way too much ($20).

    This show was smaller, about 20% fewer vendors. The downturn in gun sales (or the dieting after so many feasted till they puked) may be in effect.
    When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jafar View Post
    Was the candy bar good, at least?
    Yes Sir it was!
    The label said worlds finest chocolate .
    Luck is the phenomena created when Preparation meets Opportunity .

  6. #46
    CCGF Depository Dale Gribble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLT View Post
    Yes Sir it was!
    The label said worlds finest chocolate .
    Goddamn those bars have gotten thin. Back in my day.. Oh fuck, never mind.
    When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLT View Post
    Tim your cans are a good deal but if they charge $10 to get in that sorry ass gun show I'm going to have to bulk order my cans from you direct and pick them up in Thomasville . I go to several gun shows a year some as far away as Texas and the Tallahassee gun show is the worse by far. It's mostly the same old dealers from south Florida peddling the same over priced stuff year after year. They were asking $7.50 a box for 22 LR that Bass proshop had in stock for less than $3.00 a box today. I guess we are just not going to agree about the Tallahassee fair grounds gun show.
    I've considered attending one of the out-of-town gun shows. Do you have a recommendation about which Florida, Georgia, or Alabama shows are worth attending?

  8. #48
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    I used to hear that the shows in Jacksonville and Lakeland were good, but honestly haven't heard any reports on out-of-town gun shows in a long time.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by substratum View Post
    I used to hear that the shows in Jacksonville and Lakeland were good, but honestly haven't heard any reports on out-of-town gun shows in a long time.
    I have heard the same about both shows. I went to the Jacksonville show several years ago (1999) and spent 3 hours just trying to see all of it one time. I didn't have time to go back and take a second look at anything. I don't mind spending 7 or 8 bucks to look at guns, ammo and other random stuff. I don't buy much anymore, but I do like to window shop.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by ropeman View Post
    I have heard the same about both shows. I went to the Jacksonville show several years ago (1999) and spent 3 hours just trying to see all of it one time. I didn't have time to go back and take a second look at anything. I don't mind spending 7 or 8 bucks to look at guns, ammo and other random stuff. I don't buy much anymore, but I do like to window shop.
    I was thinking about it, and I've only bought guns at a show a few times, and they were all the Fair Grounds show in Tallahassee. Bought a pistol in '86 and a rifle and a pistol in '92 (right after Clinton got elected). So, it's been 23+ years since I bought a gun at a show. Sold or traded a few at shows in recent years, but that was at the short-lived Tallahassee Mall Show.

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