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  1. #1
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    No, not that kind you smut puppies.

    I want to solicit your contributions.

    Some of you may have noticed that this forum is not the "front page" of this web site. I planned it that way.

    What I would really like to see is a site rich in content AND a forum.

    . . . that means we need content.

    Of course firearms related content would be good. But I really do not think that is necessary. It may be more beneficial to have a diversity of content.

    Like . . .

    Cartridge Related (ballistics? - lots could fit here)

    American History:
    Article 1
    Article 2
    Article 3
    Article 4

    Law Enforcement:
    What we wish you knew
    What you can do to help us

    Just Plain Entertaining:

    Article 1
    Article 2
    Article 3
    Article 4

    Get the idea? I'm not married to any of these topics or sub topics. What you see is just what poured out of my leaky mind.

    So . . . what about it? Of course you will get attributed . . . . or not, according to your wishes.

    I think you should go for it. Just bear in mind that it will be published in an area that is publicly exposed. And certainly indexed by Google and the rest.

    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  2. #2
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Re: Solicitation

    Call me crazy, but I think a section for food storage and another section for SHTF might be beneficial. I'm in the middle of doing a bit of research for food storage (utilizing part rotation, part long term storage while looking at both dried and canned items).

  3. #3

    Re: Solicitation

    Agree with that, SHTF stuff might be beneficial in the coming months... *Looks for Tin-foil hat*
    If the enemy is in range, so are you.
    - Infantry Journal

  4. #4
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Re: Solicitation

    Well by all means! Write it up and send it to me in a text file . . or email . . or something other than an MS Word document.

    I'll dang sure make a web page out of it and post it!
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  5. #5
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Re: Solicitation

    Have you thought about setting up the main site with something like Wordpress and then allowing certain people to contribute?

  6. #6
    Administrator Rumbler's Avatar
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    Re: Solicitation

    Drupal is my . . . . pal.

    Yes. Absolutely!

    'course, contributors need to be identified and committed to do that plausibly. I thought at this point it might be a bit much to ask.

    I asked for the text files specifically to make it easier on myself to feed it to the MySQL database when and if it grows to the point the setup and configuration can be justified.

    . . this GoDaddy account came with a "one click install" for Drupal and 25 databases.
    I'd rather be lucky than good, but I'd rather KNOW I'm good than HOPE to get lucky.

  7. #7

    Re: Solicitation


    Hey Jonas, it's been a long time man! Good to see you here!!!

  8. #8
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Re: Solicitation

  9. #9

    Re: Solicitation

    I can offer databases and storage space, if needed, on my host. Also some old school web-based security technical help (.htpasswds, .htaccess, cgi-bin, etc.).

    I agree 100% with Jonas - a SHTF private (members only) section, unsearchable by bots - the good ones at least.

    Oh yeah, and any mod/admin needs for the forum. Been doing that a long time on many platforms. Several admin/mod jobs on sites owned by (Hyundai, Pontiac, BMW, Mercedes). Just thought I'd throw the offer out there.

  10. #10
    Graduate WinterSoldier's Avatar
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    Nova Scotia or downtown Tallahassee, one or the other...

    Re: Solicitation

    On the subject of history... as is graven over the door to the previous history department building at FSU, the Williams Building, "from an unknown source"... "The half of knowledge is knowing where to find it."

    If you will perhaps expand whatever preconception you may have as to what is "local history"... Dale Cox's historical blogs center around Jackson County but then for some reason I can't account for Jackson County is the busiest center of historical and genealogical activity anywhere in this area... and Dale has a very readable style... so, if you have an interest in history and read a bit of his stuff, you will probably like it:

    (Those are TWO SEPARATE blogs)

    I'm working up towards writing a small piece myself, about The Town of Lee, Florida; a Town Robert E. Lee Never Visited. My uncles Greenberry and Henry Haven "founded" Lee at a hitherto undetermined date... and Greenberry once spun a tale about Robert E. Lee coming in on the train to see the town that was named after him, staying the night, and being served breakfast in the kitchen by Mrs. Haven the next morning. Robert E. Lee died in 1870... shortly after visiting his father Lighthorse Harry Lee's grave, then still on Cumberland Island, Georgia where he died (Lighthorse Harry has since been reinterred in Virginia). After visiting Cumberland Island, Lee visited Jacksonville and took a boat ride down the St. Johns. Lee's diary doesn't account for every second of every day, so he could have conceivably taken a train ride to Lee. But he didn't. Although Greenberry served in Gamble's Leon Florida Light Artillery (raised in Leon County) and Campbell's Independent Company of Georgia Siege Artillery (raised in Decatur County Georgia and garrisoning San Marcos de Alalachee/Fort Ward at Saint Marks, FL), he did so when he was 14 and 15 years old and he was still living in his father's home in Decatur County in 1870. Greenberry, Henry, and their half brother William Sampson Johnson who served as one of Jefferson Davis's bodyguards, and/or their widows) all later applied for Florida Confederate pensions and in their applications they all stated that they moved to Florida in the mid-1870s...

    I believe that a certain young man heard Greenberry's tale, and unlike his elders present who knew it to be an amusing fabrication, passed it down by word of mouth till it got written into Madison County history books. Oh what a tangled web we weave... <G>
    "Living life in fear isn't living life at all." ~ Winter Soldier

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