That's right folks! Another Retrowave Shooting Match is in the works!
So get your plastic fantastics ready since they're going to be put through their paces.
We're looking at the end of September or the start of October in 2021.
The original match in 2019 was a hoot!
The Deagle terminates targets, but it destroys their souls.
Nextvictim... err, henchman!
So grab your SPAS-12 and saddle up.
Got some pandemic aggression you want to work out? We got you covered.
Even @Aimless can partake in the fun.
It isn't a Retrowave Match until the Mini-14 shows up.
DeltaElite777 said "I am the Fat Panther.... catlike rocking the 3913! "
In a world, where every shot counts.... DeltaElite777 is...
Close Enough....
So stay tuned folks.... Biden, Pandemic, nor ammo shortage can stop what's coming.