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Thread: CCGF T-shirts

  1. #91
    GFUF Groundhog mattb's Avatar
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    Where you can't see me
    I know. Cool tune.
    I’m an engineer. To save us both time, let’s just assume I’m not wrong.

    Lift with your back

    I talk to myself because, at times, I require advice from an expert.

    Only a fool courts the anger of a patient man.

    We are all just one PBR away from being white trash and in trouble.

  2. #92
    Graduate polebarn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattb View Post
    And a Plexi turned up so loud it’s dripping sweat.
    Actually in 67 Plexis were hard as hell to get; everything in the States was Fender. Lot of Bandmasters in those early psychedelic days. There were more than a few bands that played acid rock while on acid rather than recalling a trip or playing to a tripping audience. A lot of it is hard to listen to though.

  3. #93
    GFUF Groundhog mattb's Avatar
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    Where you can't see me
    Didn’t know they were hard to get. Cool fact. Thanks.
    I’m an engineer. To save us both time, let’s just assume I’m not wrong.

    Lift with your back

    I talk to myself because, at times, I require advice from an expert.

    Only a fool courts the anger of a patient man.

    We are all just one PBR away from being white trash and in trouble.

  4. #94
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    My grandparents used to own the first two houses at the Sopchoppy river bridge on 319. Many happy summers there in my youth. Yellow and white doublewide and a cottage. The cottage used to be brown with an orange tile roof. The doublewide was still there last time I drove by, but the brown cottage looked to have been extensively redone and was gray.

  5. #95
    Graduate WinterSoldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cattle/Horses View Post
    Yeah, there's still North Vietnamese in mental hospitals having nightmares over the sights from that battle.
    If you know anything about Europe between the world wars what you know is probably as full of holes as Swiss cheese. For one thing Germany (the Weimar Republic) in the period just after the Armistice fought a proxy war against Russia in Poland using mercenaries, what they referred to as Freikorper (Free Corpsers), a term used for mercenaries in Europe during the Hundred Years War (They were also called Condottieri, in Italian). Many unemployed veterans from all sides of the Great War participated... and they were true mercenaries. If the side that had been paying them didn't make payroll, they would and did, as an entire unit switch sides. War is a bitch. Just being there you get trench foot, head lice, body lice, etc. A good airing out was a sort of temporary cure for lice. So, as the story goes, a Freikorps unit had to a man stripped and were airing their clothing out in the sun, and their nekid selves were sunbathing, when they were attacked. The unit countered in the nude. That's just a random story I ran across once. I think its in Ernst von Salmon's autobiography. Later there was also the Black Reichwehr. Hitler didn't start it. It was an ongoing secret operation of the Weimar Republic, inherited by Hitler. Goering headed a secret program *IN* Russia, training the air force that Germany didn't have per the Versailles Treaty, in prototype German airplanes, of course. Obviously "things" had cooled down temporarily between Germany and Russia by that point in time.

    I rather imagine that nekid combat incident wasn't unique though hardly common, in the long and convoluted history of warfare. I found out the hard way that I wasn't allowed to take a crap after dark on one particular firebase, B'ham (Birmingham... the 101st first destination in Europe during WWII). The outhouse was on a little separate mountaintop with a drawbridge over to it, and the drawbridge was raised at night. Needing to go at night was as they say, tough shit. At some earlier point in the war long before I was there, as the story goes, there was a guy out there on that tiny mountain peak doing his business in the dark when NVA sappers struck. They made themselves busy in a number of ways and very nearly overran B'ham. One of their activities involved putting an RPG team on top of the outhouse, shooting rockets into the firebase. Fortunately for the guy inside, they failed to check occupancy first. Unfortunately for the guy inside of the outhouse, he was in the line of fire of every G.I. on B'man who shot back at the RPG team, and there is a supposition that he must have gone as low as you can go in an outhouse, because he survived. Now frankly, that story seems a little artificial and contrived to me, and its lack of certain obvious details suggests that it was myth rather than fact... but that's the story as I heard it.

    Firsthand, though, I can tell you that triple-concertina razor wire was dragged across internal roads at B'ham at night. One evening my duties delayed my evening chow down in the mess hall bunker much later than usual. I ate completely alone and I came out in full darkness. My job at B'ham was to command a perimeter bunker at night and I had never walked around the firebase after dark... and this night was pitch black. I headed off in the usual direction very slowly but after about 30 feet I ran straight into concertina and lost my balance so that I fell face down on it in the dark and couldn't move an inch without slashing myself all over on the razors. I commenced to cuss very picturesquely at the top of my lungs and after a minute or two a set of hands wordlessly grabbed me by my upper arm on each side, and set me on my feet. I never saw whoever was attached to those arms. HELL, I never even saw the arms. It was pitch-black, and those guys knowing how damn mad I was didn't stick around to get thanked. Naturally, though, I had tried to break my fall with my hands, my hands had not been washed nor had I bathed in weeks, so cuts on my hands immediately became infected... and so I had to get a shot and eat pollycillin pills for awhile. Then a few days later I had to have a prearranged personal meeting, alone, with the Navy admiral who commanded the entire Pacific Theater. So far as I know this had nothing to do with the barbed tape incident, but I had rather been thrown back on the razor wire at night and left there, than have to talk to that damn idiot admiral!
    "Living life in fear isn't living life at all." ~ Winter Soldier

  6. #96
    Just saw this.

    1 Would you be interested at all - YES

    2 How many do you think you'd like At least 2

    3 What would be your color and style preferences

    Black & OD green

    I like the original run that Vince posted. Thanks, Tim

  7. #97
    Graduate chenzzo's Avatar
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    It's payday! Order your shirts:
    -If you can't be counted ON, you can't be counted IN.

  8. #98
    Graduate chenzzo's Avatar
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    1 week left.
    -If you can't be counted ON, you can't be counted IN.

  9. #99
    If the t shirt thing is gonna happen I'll buy 2

  10. #100
    Shit Stirrer 0utlaw's Avatar
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    Oderint dum metuant

    "Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks your life seeks my life, but with me you shall be safe.” 1 Samuel 22:23

    “This gun is liberty; hold for certain that the day when you no more have it, you will be returned to slavery.” – Toussaint L’Ouverture

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