Airight fellows let see if we can get the bowling pin shoot back to going,we can change day or time just what ever works to get it back. I know that Ken and I will be able to shoot.
Airight fellows let see if we can get the bowling pin shoot back to going,we can change day or time just what ever works to get it back. I know that Ken and I will be able to shoot.
(nam era) yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest SOB in the valley!
Just spitballing here to see what might stick. Admittedly, the bowling pins are pretty much a large caliber game. Would there be any interest in changing the game up a bit to open it up to more diversity, i.e., 9's, 38's, and the like? The competition side has two little-used plate racks that could possibly be pressed into service in a different man-on-man game. Like shooting the GSSF plates only running against another shooter, a-la, the bowling pins. Just knocking over plates rather than clearing the pins tables. Best two of three, three of five, or whatever. It would go faster since the plates can be rope re-set remotely rather than having to physically re-set pins on two tables. This was the set-up we used for approximately the last 10 years of the police olympics before they went belly-up. The pic below is indicative of one of the set-up we used with cross-over plates in between the plate racks that left no doubt as to who won, and color codes used to determine the first shot (that was added in later years to spice things up a bit - shooters faced away from targets and first shot color was randomly chosen by the RO). Anyway, just thinking out loud to try and get some more folks out to some friendly competition.
As stated before, i'm interested. But Thursday's are a no go due to scouts and we have a couple of weeks left tball before I could commit to anything. But let's hear some thoughts on days of the week and I'll see what I can do.
Ken, I like the idea of shooting plates. Is there lights where they are located?
Hmmm, not seeing a groundswell of opinions/advise either way. Perhaps it has run its course. I think there's just too many other things folks are into that take priority. Weekdays are busy times for the shooters and weekends are really busy times at the range.
Have not heard from anyone
(nam era) yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest SOB in the valley!
Cattle/mules you would call this new game"clawed Balls"!
(nam era) yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest SOB in the valley!