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Thread: Another stolen gun

  1. #1

    Another stolen gun

    So long story short, I got robbed in my front yard Thursday night. I went home with a girl and decided to walk back to my moms house later that night around 2:00am. I had just found out in Type I diabetic and I didn't have my med bag, basically my sugar got really low and I fell out just as I made it to my moms driveway and ended up waking up in the hospital where they had me on a sugar IV and said someone had found me and drove me up to the hospital because they knew my sugar was low. Anyway I had my gun with me at the time and started to wonder if they had taken it when I was admitted and asked and she said I didn't have a gun, wallet, etc. Anyway her neighborhood is Waverly Hills and there were people who were hitting houses up the street driving through, looking for unlocked cars to break into. They got about $250 in cash, my wallet, with my drivers license, cwp,ifeedit cards, my Glock 26, my iPhone 7,even got my knife. I went to file a police report today and they even said there have been several break ins in Waverly and that they believe they were breaking in a car up the street about the same time it happened that night.

    Anyway, stay frosty out there and be on the lookout if you see my Glock

    Gen 3 Glock 26 (subcompact 9mm) its got night sights and a G26 mag with the plus 3 extension
    Also I think I got this in a trade from a member about 2-3 years ago and I was gonna see if anybody remembered and might have the serial number so I can give it to the police. I think it started with XCY just can't remember the rest of it and the pictures I took are all on the phone they stole.

  2. #2
    shit sucks bro...I feel for you. But here's the reality. The gun is gone, forever. Even if it is found, it'll be such a rusted out POS that youll never want to use it again. I had my house robbed, lost a lot of handguns. One was recoverd. It was useless. Best thought is to move on and rebuild. Hope you get the Diabetes in check, it's a bitch to deal with.
    I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. Excerpt from the Soldier's Creed

  3. #3
    Graduate polebarn's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Maybe you backed up the photo to the cloud during a routine backup?

  4. #4
    I never got more apple cloud storage so they didn't back up to the iPad, but they didn't cut off find my phone so I gotta couple leads on where they went.

  5. #5
    I had the same thing happen. FindMyIphone is not probable cause for a search warrant, so that sucks. Now, if you want a crew to assemble to "peruse reasonable measures" to recover property....just feed me PBR and i'm down to kick doors in.
    I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. Excerpt from the Soldier's Creed

  6. #6
    GFUF Groundhog mattb's Avatar
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    Where you can't see me
    Do I need a ski mask?
    I’m an engineer. To save us both time, let’s just assume I’m not wrong.

    Lift with your back

    I talk to myself because, at times, I require advice from an expert.

    Only a fool courts the anger of a patient man.

    We are all just one PBR away from being white trash and in trouble.

  7. #7
    Graduate e.money83's Avatar
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    I still got my christmas story pink bunny suit. Looks awesome under a plate carrier with a balaclava.

  8. #8
    CCGF Goat Herder Bodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by e.money83 View Post
    I still got my christmas story pink bunny suit. Looks awesome under a plate carrier with a balaclava.
    I was hoping you'd go all Frank from Donnie Darko
    None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license.
    --John Milton

    Only digging in on the position of the truth – yes, I defend guns because guns are useful for killing criminals and tyrants – is going to be successful. Only the truth shall set you free.

  9. #9
    Graduate e.money83's Avatar
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    What's the difference between between one demented bunny and another?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Capt. mike View Post
    So long story short, I got robbed in my front yard Thursday night. I went home with a girl ...
    And that's where your story lost all credibility.

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