After looking around, I bought a MRB annealing machine( I decided to go with this one, because, already bring all you need to anneal up to 300 wingmag. It also bring an accessory, to anneal down to 300 BO. The machine is very well made. All enclosed in aluminum and in a small pkg. I try to do some annealing today, but not sure If I did it the right way, since I read different versions. One is that the case need to be discolored. Others said, that as long as the case reach the right temperature, even if there's no discoloration, the case is annealed. This mostly occurring when cases are cleaned properly. Well, mine look just a little discolored. I hope I did it right. I used tempilaq 750 to set up the machine. If I under anneal, at least I didn't ruin the cases, lol annealing (2).jpgannealing (3).jpgannealing (5).jpgannealing (4).jpgannealing (6).jpgannealing (7).jpg I took the torch holder of, since I have a none hose version. I can easily moved back and forth, up and down and adjust the angles. annealing (8).jpg This are the accessories. The extra wheel is for longer cases. The black part, push 300 BO, out further, so the flame hit them on the neck and shoulder. The metal, L shape part, is the torch holder( I remover to use my torch). The white rectangle, is a nylon spacer for thinner brass. It come with 2, but I need one for 308 win. annealing (1).jpg This are my 308 win brass, after annealing. See how the discoloration is minimal, even after the Tempilaq melted. I order Tempilaq 475, to apply on the outside of the case, to make sure the right amount of heat, is transferring down the case. annealing (10).jpg