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Thread: Heads up on a new possible webhost

  1. #1
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Heads up on a new possible webhost

    So, we've been with our webhost for a bit now and they've done us pretty well. As technology does it's thing, stuff gets cheaper and available resources grow. I am running a demo on a hosting service I've subscribed to for a stupid-cheap price. The server has twice the resources available. The only caveat is that it's located in Ontario, CA. Now, I've checked with them and they've got no problem hosting a gun community website that also does private sales of firearms. Legally, it shouldn't be an issue either. If I'm happy with the system in the next week or two, I might move the website to there. Now, you guys shouldn't notice any difference. It should still be nice and peppy. The best part, it's a third of the cost of what I'm paying now. Yup. Hosting for $5.25 a month. I mean, it's so ridiculously cheap that it will be simple for even the small amount of advertising that is currently done to cover the fees.

    Now, I'm gonna vet it first to make sure it's not one of those "too good to be true" scenarios, but it's pretty awesome.

    It's not a guaranteed thing, but just a heads up on where my head is at.

  2. #2
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Believe me when I say I had and continue to have reservations about it.

  3. #3
    Ontario, Canada or Ontario, California?

  4. #4
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Canada. At least it's still east coast so it's still pretty much on some heavy east-coast internet pipe.

  5. #5
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    So, I'm pretty happy with the service at the new webhost. I've got the databases between the two sites synced up and going. I'll likely make the swap in the next couple of nights.


    The neat thing about the new site is that I'll be using nginx instead of apache. Hopefully this will gain me some performance increases that will balance out the extra time it will take since the server is in Canada.

  6. #6
    If you are used to apache, you'll LOVE nginx!
    5G Motorola Razr

  7. #7
    Graduate polebarn's Avatar
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  8. #8
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    I've made the change, though it might take a good couple of hours before everyone is over on the new host.

    If you notice any glitches, give it an hour to see if it clears up. I should be verifying everything here in a while and we should be completely functional in about 12 hours.

  9. #9
    CCGF Slack Ass jonastio's Avatar
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    Okay, I've verified that most everything is working. You might notice a touch sluggishness while things are getting underway.

    If tapatalk isn't working for you, you might need to reboot your device.

  10. #10
    Graduate WinterSoldier's Avatar
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    Nova Scotia or downtown Tallahassee, one or the other...
    These are sweeter-tasting electrons, or what?
    "Living life in fear isn't living life at all." ~ Winter Soldier

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