If you don't know who he is, do some research. Bob is arguably the best in the gunfighting instruction business with a background unmatched by most in the business.

I have three openings for this class. It will be a step up from his intro class, realistic and applicable skills necessary to win a gunfight.

I have plenty of room if you want to camp out or bring a camper. Bob stays on site with us and is a great after-class host where he continues to share his experiences while we enjoy a nice steak, bourbon, and cigar if you're so inclined. This is what sets our classes apart from other places... we don't just train, we socialize and network to build friendships.

If you have NV gear... we may also do some NV work after class (not associated with the class).

Plan on 500-700 Rifle rounds and 500 pistol.

Cost is only $500.00

Contact me for more information Bob@Signal-0.com