Someone certainly has them.

Between last Sunday evening and Monday afternoon some incredibly profoundly brave - and stupid - people or person helped himself or herself to ALL of the spent brass on the Talon temporary range.

I mean, aside from steel case and rimfire, [size=1em]they functionally sanitized it[/size]. Monday afternoon it took six motivated people to gather about 150 centerfire cases.

You get that? They left the steel case and rimfire. The thief or thieves were in no hurry.

In conference with the owners it was decided that this was completely unacceptable behavior. It will not be tolerated, in fact.

So, I am writing this message with two distinct goals:

1) To ask that should you encounter anyone seeking to sell a massive amount (several thousand) brass cartridge cases you PLEASE contact myself or any other Talon Training personnel . . quickly.

2) To give you a heads up that none of the Talon folks think much of thieves and to suggest that the Talon facility be given a wide berth when closed (this would be a really good place to read between the lines ).