Welcome to the Capital City Gun Forum.
Public - "Thou shalt proceed to introductions, and thou shalt introduce thyself before thou proceedest to commerce and peddle thy goods." - Substratum
All firearm transactions must be handled in a legal manner according to all Federal and State laws.
Transactions are done at your own risk.
Reduce that risk by leaving feedback after a transaction.
Posts that are inactive for 30 days will be archived.
Posts that are marked as sold or that are inactive for 30 days will be archived.
We love you. Do you love us back? Then brag about it by donning your CCGF merchandise.
Goods and Services for Auction.
Public - Information and events of interest to forum members.
A terrible death to die. A terrible death to die. A terrible death, to talk to death. A terrible death to die.
Whether it's CCGF gatherings or other events that might be of interest to your fellow forum members, this is the place to post them.
Competitive events: past, present and future.
Private - This is where folks from all walks of life gather and discuss a variety of topics. Our community is what makes us special.
Let us know what dragged you out of the woodwork to join our budding community.
General Discussion means discussion regarding topics that do not fit appropriately in other forums. Please.
LEOs and discussions related to Law Enforcement. No "guests" here.
Don't expect this to be pretty. Gun owners and firearm enthusiasts tend to have strong opinions in this regard. If your panties bunch easily it is suggested that you don't go in here.
Firearm related club and team discussions. If you are a member of a team or group let Admin know if you want your own sub-forum.
Topics covering the unique challenges women face when it comes to firearms and/or self defense.
Forum and personal related help issues. "Gun stuff" goes in the appropriate firearm forum, please.
General gun and firearm discussion. Please don't forget many makes,models and styles have their own forum if you want to be more specific.
NOT Publicly Viewable.
Firearms related concealed carry discussions.
Farther is better.
IDPA, IPSC, WSSA, SCSA, whatever. Organization specific discussion here, please.
If you don't have it - get it. It is in your best interest!
Who are the folks willing to fo FFL transfers and such? Here is where you can find out and maybe even "speak" with them.
No guests here either. Though maybe there should be . . ?
Firearms Related Tips and Tricks go here.
Please use the caliber in the topic of the thread.
Articles and instructions on reloading cartridges.
Public - Local vendors that have a presence on our forum to answer questions and advertise products of interest to our community.
North Florida's premier outdoor range facility, professional training and holster sales.
Advanced training in long range shooting, carbines and concealed firearms.
Firearm sales, customization and repair
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